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These are in-depth pre- and post-show reports on major international trade fairs, held in Taiwan and other countries with significant participation by Taiwanese manufacturers and exporters. They are offered to help global buyers and other readers better understand what is going on at the fairs and the latest offerings by Taiwanese exhibitors.

Photo credit: UDN File Photo

Vietnam steel market setback only short-term: China Steel

Sep 02, 2021

The steel markets in Vietnam and Malaysia have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 surge in Southeast Asia. China Steel experts say while demand exists, it remains overshadowed by the pandemic. A strong rebound is expected once the outbreak lets up, they say. Lockdown restrictions on Ho Chi Minh City and nationwide have led to closures and challenges in importing materials and exporting pro...

Traditional industries prepare for a carbon neutral era amid price-hike</h2>

Traditional industries prepare for a carbon neutral era amid price-hike

May 24, 2021

Since the beginning of this year, the prices of various raw materials including steel, petrochemicals, cement, paper pulp, glass, etc. have been rising simultaneously. However, market watchers have pointed out that the latest trends are not short-lived, and could be here to stay. The raw material market has been reorganizing for a period of time, leading to many low-end production capabilities be...

Feb. Manufacturing Index Reads Stable Growth: TIER</h2>

Feb. Manufacturing Index Reads Stable Growth: TIER

Mar 31, 2021

February's manufacturing forecast index shone green, representing stable growth, reported the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER). The outlook index changed from yellow-red, showing fast growth, to maintaining stable growth. The latest outlook indicates fewer working-days in February due to the Lunar New Year holidays, leading to lower indexes in February compared to January and weak...

Photo courtesy of EDN.

Display panel prices to continue uptick trend with key material shortages: IDC

Feb 03, 2021

International Data Corporation (IDC) analysts say display panel prices will remain at a high level after news of an upstream glass substrate manufacturing plant's furnace exploded made the headlines. However, IDC analyst Chen Chien-chu pointed to driver IC shortages to significantly impact display panel delivery more than glass substrate shortages. While impacted companies have already sought ...

TMTS Virtual Undeterred by Distance and Timezone</h2>

TMTS Virtual Undeterred by Distance and Timezone

Dec 16, 2020

The virtual Taiwan International Machine Tool Show (TMTS Virtual) kicked off on Nov. 10 after organizers canceled the 6th edition offline version (TMTS2020) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. TMTS Virtual would be the world's first machine tool expo hosted in a digital 3D virtual format. Organized by the Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders' Association (TMBA), TMTS 2020 has 719 exhibitors on d...

Photo Credits: UDN/THSR

Localized Railway Parts and Maintenance Sees Results Under THSR

Dec 01, 2020

The Taiwan High-Speed Rail Corporation (THSR) has sought to localize rail parts production, reporting substantial results in recent years, according to local media on Tuesday. Much of Taiwan's railroad industry has relied on importing parts. THSR's initiative would help lower procurement and import costs by keeping production and procurement within Taiwan. THSR reported a successful collabo...

5G and EV Demand Bolstering Surprising PCB Sector Growth in 2020</h2>

5G and EV Demand Bolstering Surprising PCB Sector Growth in 2020

Oct 28, 2020

Demand for electronic parts, PCBs from 5G, IoT, and vehicle applications are strengthening outbound growth in the first nine months of 2020, despite a pandemic outbreak that has crippled countries' economies. Outbound electronic parts reported strong performance, increasing 22.3% in the first nine months of 2020. A strong contender in second place is the PCB field, which also saw a 5.3%-export...

THTMA Joins Hands with EDN to Host 2021 Taiwan International Hardware Show</h2>

THTMA Joins Hands with EDN to Host 2021 Taiwan International Hardware Show

Oct 07, 2020

Taiwan Hand Tool Manufacturers' Association(THTMA) is slated to organize the 2021 Taiwan International Hardware Show after decades of outsourcing to local organizers, with Economic Daily News (EDN) in charge of implementation, and Taiwan External Trade Development Council handling invitations for international buyers. Current dates are scheduled for July 15 to July 17, 2021, at the Taichung In...

Taiwanese Firms Nabs Redirected Business Amid Trade War</h2>

Taiwanese Firms Nabs Redirected Business Amid Trade War

Jul 15, 2019

The U.S.-China trade war has restructured the global supply chain, giving Taiwanese firms in Southeast Asia the advantage for expanding their production capacity to direct business orders away from China. As the largest fastener supplier in Malaysia, Chin Well Holdings Berhad, the investment holding company mainly focused on domestic sales, and partly exported to Europe. However, under the ten...

 Manufacturers Eye Profit at 2019 Plastics and Rubber K Trade Fair in Germany</h2>

Manufacturers Eye Profit at 2019 Plastics and Rubber K Trade Fair in Germany

Jul 10, 2019

The first K Trade Fair was organized by Messe Düsseldorf in 1953, taking place every three years and eventually becoming the benchmark of international trade expos for plastics and rubber. This year, the K Fair is entering its 21st edition continuing its reputation among industry members as the must-visit platform to do business. The last event in 2016 attracted 3,293 exhibitors from 61 countries...